I don’t know how it happened…but somewhere between Rivington and the comeback of acid wash jeans, I lost my appetite. What used to fill me and nourish me and always leave me wanting more had somehow become bland…and made me a little bloated. The Scene. Thescenthescenethescene. So what’s a duo to do when their blog is based on, and inspired by, The Scene? Well step one, we felt, was to take a hiatus.

When that got old and we started missing Snaps and Daps, step two inevitably called for a refocusing strategy. That didn’t work because…well frankly, our thoughts are a little unfocused. So step three became, we can no longer be a blog focused on the scene and all its buried treasures, local celebs, music, fashion and idiosyncrasies. Where does that leave us? Well nowhere really, which now makes us a blog on an adventure – through NYC, through racks of second hand clothing, through parties and not parties, through humidity and AC, through DJ’s and playlists, through day jobs and job searches, through “to buy gladiators or not to buy gladiators”, through drinks and technology and sex and our 20’s. We plan on enjoying ourselves…and we’re glad to have you back to enjoy it with us.

Say it with us now…
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