Kids posing like grown ass models. I'm not talking Supercuts or JCPenney ads, I'm talking like high fashion iish. I think I like it. No I don't it's totally weird. Wait no it's fabulous! But creepy kinda! Blarg, I can't decide.
(Photos courtesy of Fashion Screen):

They have all the same facial expressions as regular models, they do the same poses, they're way cooler than everybody else...

...they even have sexual chemistry (can I say those words when I'm talking about kids?)...

I feel awkward. I mean, I love it. Sigh...
i always look at these shoots withs the same feeling! shouldn't kids be kids????
but still like the styling...
arghhhh! i don't know!
probably more weird than anything else...!
Why would anyone feel awkward enjoying an image of a child, even in a sexual context? Human beings are sexual creatures and we are so from the moment we are conceived.
All children have a sexuality about them, just as adults do. Children may be aware of it in varying degrees throughout their development, but it's always there and unique for each individual child, just as it is for each individual adult. Only in America, where unnatural, puritan-sexual values are upheld and where a draconian witch-hunt for child-sex predators is prevalent, are people obliged to feel guilty about viewing an image of a child and finding it sexy. While American law might say so, there is in reality no magical age where a human being suddenly becomes a sexual creature. Anyone who lives and breaths knows this. The vast majority of people first experience sex as a child. I did, as did just about everyone I've ever known. Those who didn't until after the age of 18 are among a very rare few. I believe that says it all. If a child is sexy, call it what it is and don't feel guilty about it. It's perfectly natural.
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First of all-if you feel so strongly about finding children sexy, why post anonymously. Post your first and last name so you can truely own it. And these pictures aren't in the least bit sexy or suggestive. Sexuality never came to mind when i viewed these-and I have a discriminating eye because I have a small child who models and acts. If you find them sexual-that speaks volumes about your psyche. Furthermore-Children aren't "sexual creatures" until somebody introduces them to sex. Even if another child makes the introduction, we all know, an adult was somewhere in the mix-even if it was as innocent as leaving your porn laying around on accident. Natural,maybe. But any adult that finds a child sexy has impulse control issues. Something in your brain switches on to counteract the crazy. If you enjoy children looking sexy, yours is broken. Should you ever have a child, how would a stranger stopping you to say, "My goodnes, your 5 year old is so sexy," go over? Let's get real.
Indyra, I think your discriminating eye failed you. You didn't seem to understand Anonymous' post at all..
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