So life must go on. I must stay positive and keep my eye on the prize.
1. Must be black. We'll have time to worry about other colors once I find my classic black.
2. Must be a wedge...I have enough heels, stilettos, what have you. Wedges only, no exception.
3. Must be leather or some related animal, no synthetic material.
4. Cannot extend past the ankle. I want a bootie, not a boot.
5. Wedge must be 4 inches tall or more. I want to wear these with black skinny jeans or black tights and a short dress and make my legs look like they go on for days and days. Is that too much to ask??!
6. Solid material around the whole boot. No cut-out designs, no peep-toes, no holes of any kind.
7. Zipper up the side. No lace ups.
8. Toe can be round or almond shape, no pointies.
9. It would be nice if they were at least slightly comfortable.
10. I would appreciate it if they were under $200.
Below are some shoes that are ALMOST there, but don't pass because they violate one or more of the above rules:
Disappointment #1: From Nine West. Great hight on ankle, great lift in wedge and great price ($79.99). But they're brown with waaay too many cut-outs.

Disappointment #2: From Steve Madden. They're a little short, and I'd actually prefer leather to suede...but both of those could be ignored. What cannot be ignored is the violation of Rule 2 with the heel. Just gimme a wedge for the love of God!!

Disappointment #3: Also Steve Madden. Violates more than one rule - the heel should be a wedge (though I LOVE the height)...there's lacing at the front and not a zipper up the side, and most importantly there's a peep toe. Fuck that.

Disappointment #4: By Deena & Ozzy. Love them. Need that wedge though!! No compromises on that one.

Disappointment #5: By Dolce Vita. This one is interesting, because I actually really love the shoe and want it. But what's important here is it is not the perfect black wedge. Lace ups and cut-outs galore. Also despite the way they look in this photo, there is no wedge, but rather a really chunky heel. Click the link (above where it says "Disappointment #5") for more photos. Maybe these'll have to be my post-perfect black wedge purchase:

Disappointment #6: Too tall. Oh, and did I mention they're Louboutins? So they're probs several grand:

Disappointment #7: Diesel. They're lace-ups but you know what? I'd happily ignore that if they sold in the States and if they weren't so friggin expensive (they're listed as 420 Euros which is like $570!!).

I'm gonna stop there. It's all too depressing. I've looked in department stores, I've looked online, I've looked in boutiques, even places like Topshop. Nada. Help me...I need all the support I can get.
You're taking words from my mouth.
I would have posted the exact same article.
I though I was the only one looking for this kind of booties but in fact i believe we are millions of girls.
They are so simple and nowhere to find them. except Acne, Louboutin, YSL, Dolce Gabbana...
I found gorgeous black suede wedges at New Look. I'd never even been there (not really into the cheap, high street pseudo-fashion shops) but i needed cheap shoes for a dress-up party, and i stumbled upon these absolutely perfect wedges. i bought them in Antwerp, but I suppose they sell them anywhere?
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