American Apparel is off the CHAIN!!
American Apparel sent me another package today - I'm FLOORED by their generosity. So back my popular demand, here's another collage of my alter ego: AMERICAN APPAREL GIRL (click photo to enlarge).
All of this stuff can be found on their website - just click on NEW STYLES under the Women's category and a lot of it is listed there - high waisted leggings, crop tops (which show off the latest tat quite nicely!), shirts that you can wear as dresses (which is what I think I'm doing with both the black and red one above)...and of course a million more things. Many many thanks to Jon and Jessica over at AA, the love is being majorly 'preciated.

Adventures in AA, TOMS and...ERIN WASSON
It's been a week, yall. Despite finding out that my movie is going to be over a month earlier than planned (read: I'll be out of a job in about 3 weeks), this has actually been a week full of incredible surprises.
It all started a couple of weeks ago when a girlfriend of mine told me to Google myself. When I did, the American Apparel website came up and I found myself quoted on it. They lifted a quote that I wrote in a Huffington Post article about their Circle Scarf (LINK HERE)...and here's the screenshot of it (click to enlarge):
I was effing thrilled. To make matters even more awesome, they ended up sending me two of the scarves gratis - 1 really thick black one, and 1 grey one in this light jersey type material - both SO COZY and cute. So anyway back to this week. I walked into work Monday morning to ANOTHER package that had arrived from AA. I thought, oops, silly them, maybe they sent me the scarves twice. Nope. They sent me an array of other pieces that are hot in the streets right now. They're so outrageous I can't even describe them, so you know me I had to take pics (click to enlarge):
In my alter ego as American Apparel Girl, I'd be wearing things like this gold dress and metallic teal hotpants every day (I'd also be 5'9", 120 lbs, have legs for days and be able to wear heels every day without my back hurting). Alas some of these items may have to be assigned to only the most special of occasions. Wooooord UP to American Apparel for the hookup :).
Ok so that's that part. Then, like I'd previously mentioned, on Thursday I hit up Bergdorf Goodman with my homies Dushane and MJ for the launch of a new luxury line of TOMS Shoes.

Oh, there's just one SUPER IMPORTANT, TOTALLY FUCKING INCREDIBLE THING THAT HAPPENED that I haven't mentioned yet. For those of you who follow the blog or know me in any way shape or form, you know that my idol, my style icon, my PERSON is model and designer Erin Wasson. I've mentioned her in like 75% of my posts, so if you don't know what/who I'm talking about feel free to take a look at the archives - particularly THIS ONE...or THIS ONE. Anyway, The Wasson was there...and I got photo:
Yes, the lighting was horrible, but I was too nervous to stand there and change my settings then take another. So I said thanks and walked away. Oy. White t tucked into dark skinny jeans, a pair of gigantic wedges that I've never seen anywhere and that simple brown hat. I love.
'prece, 'prece, 'prece all around.
It all started a couple of weeks ago when a girlfriend of mine told me to Google myself. When I did, the American Apparel website came up and I found myself quoted on it. They lifted a quote that I wrote in a Huffington Post article about their Circle Scarf (LINK HERE)...and here's the screenshot of it (click to enlarge):

Ok so that's that part. Then, like I'd previously mentioned, on Thursday I hit up Bergdorf Goodman with my homies Dushane and MJ for the launch of a new luxury line of TOMS Shoes.
'prece, 'prece, 'prece all around.
5 products that you don't know you need...but you totally do.
Winter is inching closer and closer. Soon women's magazine covers everywhere will be drawing us in with their seasonal tips - tempting us with answers to the cold weather mysteries that have been plaguing us forever. 12 Ways to Combat Hat Hair! Top 5 Products for Those Unsightly Cuticles! Designer Creams vs. Drugstore: Who Wins the Battle? Say No to Paris Hilton: How to Use Bronzer the Right Way! ...I know you know what I mean.
I'm here to relieve you of this winter product madness and provide a whole new category of product must-haves for you: The products that you don't know you need...but you totally do.
1) Palmers Cocoa Butter Lip Balm:
Everybody gets chapped lips at one point or another. Boys, girls, young, old. I've been using this lip stuff for at least 4 years and I've never looked back. You can also use it as a spot-type treatment on your body and face (which I've never done), but on the lips it does just fine. It smells amazing, it's majorly moisturizing and it retails for like 3-4 bucks. If you're feeling super adventurous, Palmers also makes a dark chocolate and peppermint flavored lip butter - I got it in a giftbag at a fashion show a few years back and became highly addicted. Use that one with caution.
2- I'm going to double up on this one because I love the Yes To Carrots brand and I can't choose just one product. Also if you use them one right after the other you will die of luxury and everybody must go through that at least once. "Feel The C" is the first product - it's, what they call, a pampering hand and nail spa.
It's basically this grainy, oily concoction that you rub into your wet hands and fingernails - scrub scrub scrub - wash it off, pat your hands dry, and you're left with the softest baby bottom skin hands you've ever felt. So soft, in fact, that I went and got a manicure last night and the manicurist said I had extremely soft hands. *Blush*. Anyway, then you have to get the tub of heaven, aka "C Through the Dry Spell" Body Butter.
Whatever this body butter touches will guaranteed to still be moisturized by the end of the day (that's my guarantee not theirs). It smells subtle and fresh, it's not sticky or heavy - and even though I use it every day it's lasting a surprisingly long time, a little goes a long way. These products are around 10-13 bucks - a little more than I'd normally like to shell out for a product, but way less than most people spend on equivalent (and less awesome) products. I'm also a major cheapo so I think my perspective is a little skewed.
3. Sombra Pain Relieving Gel. Ok I realize this one is kind of out of left field - but isn't that the point of this? You didn't know you needed it, but you DO.
I know body pain. Pain and I have had a very involved relationship since I was about 11 or 12 - every year I know it more and more intimately, and every year I continue to try and dump it. For those of you out there with chronic body pain, you know it's pretty much impossible to dump. Fortunately I have found a product that provides a nice amount of temporary relief. If you're lucky enough to have somebody in your life who can rub this into your aching muscles, this will be a nice treat when combined with a massage. If you don't, you can absolutely DIY. After a few minutes on the skin and muscles, this gel provides a relaxing heat and cooling sensation all at once. It totally mellows your muscles out - like an internal heating pad. It sells on Amazon.com for about $13 (I'm still always surprised to find things on Amazon other than books) and in random health food stores for a little more.
4) Now I realize that the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Sponge doesn't appear to be a "product" in the same sense as the others, but it is.
I originally bought this magical sponge for the kitchen (as most people do), but as I became more and more aware of its mystical powers I decided to take it elsewhere in the home and see what it was capable of. The most pleasant discovery that I made is that it's really good at cleaning white shoes. Why just today I wore my brand new white Dr. Marten boots out on the town, and of course picked up a few scuffs along the way. I got home, cut off a piece of the sponge with regular scissors, dampened it a little, and magically wiped the scuffs away. For you sneakerheads who insist on keeping those kicks immaculate, and for you rich folk with summer homes in the Hamptons who must wear white loafers and boat shoes (but only before Labor Day of COURSE) - this product is for you.
5. I'm going to do a complete 180 here and make this last product an edible one - everybody's favorite condiment (or at least it should be!) - Ketchup. I'm going to fill you in on a little piece of disgustingness here: most well-known ketchup brands include a completely unnecessary, completely bad for you ingredient that not only can our bodies NOT metabolize, but is packed with calories and actually shuts off our body's natural appetite control so we eat more...and gain more. The culprit: high fructose corn syrup. It's super bad for you, and ketchup is awesome and goes with practically everything!! So why not do a little good for yourself and stop by Trader Joes or Whole Foods or any other health food store and pick up a bottle of HFCS-free ketchup?! I think we could all do with a little more health and a little less fatass-ness.
There you go.
Go forth and buy...because believe me, you need these things.
I'm here to relieve you of this winter product madness and provide a whole new category of product must-haves for you: The products that you don't know you need...but you totally do.
1) Palmers Cocoa Butter Lip Balm:

2- I'm going to double up on this one because I love the Yes To Carrots brand and I can't choose just one product. Also if you use them one right after the other you will die of luxury and everybody must go through that at least once. "Feel The C" is the first product - it's, what they call, a pampering hand and nail spa.
3. Sombra Pain Relieving Gel. Ok I realize this one is kind of out of left field - but isn't that the point of this? You didn't know you needed it, but you DO.

4) Now I realize that the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Sponge doesn't appear to be a "product" in the same sense as the others, but it is.
5. I'm going to do a complete 180 here and make this last product an edible one - everybody's favorite condiment (or at least it should be!) - Ketchup. I'm going to fill you in on a little piece of disgustingness here: most well-known ketchup brands include a completely unnecessary, completely bad for you ingredient that not only can our bodies NOT metabolize, but is packed with calories and actually shuts off our body's natural appetite control so we eat more...and gain more. The culprit: high fructose corn syrup. It's super bad for you, and ketchup is awesome and goes with practically everything!! So why not do a little good for yourself and stop by Trader Joes or Whole Foods or any other health food store and pick up a bottle of HFCS-free ketchup?! I think we could all do with a little more health and a little less fatass-ness.
There you go.
Go forth and buy...because believe me, you need these things.
iViva Aira Cordones!
My gifted pair of TOMS Shoes have arrived - my PR sister Melissa hooked me UP.
The Aira Cordones, ladies and gents:
I was thrilled to see them sitting on my desk when I walked into work this morning, and I'm cursing the rain because I'd love to strap these babies on and wear them home. Alas, I'll have to wait for sunny skies. I put the laces in and they look super cute - it's kind of a 50's vibe that will def have to be paired with my ankle length skinnies.
And you best believe I'll be wearing these suckers later on this month for the TOMS Shoes exclusive collection launch at Bergdorf Goodman...you can def expect a follow up.
Holler @ TOMS, holler @ Mel...
The Aira Cordones, ladies and gents:

And you best believe I'll be wearing these suckers later on this month for the TOMS Shoes exclusive collection launch at Bergdorf Goodman...you can def expect a follow up.
Holler @ TOMS, holler @ Mel...
Revitalize Your Relationship Wardrobe...Please!!!
Everybody has heard of people gaining weight when they find love. Two sexy singles meet at a dinner party, they flirt and and exchange numbers. They go out on a few dates - a dinner here, drinks and appetizers there...pretty soon they're dating regularly...then they're dating exclusively. Eventually they start saying "I love you", and they become so comfortable with each other that they start farting and peeing with the door open. This, apparently, is when the weight gain starts to take form. Eating and drinking together becomes a ritual. Why go to the gym when I can cuddle with my boo while watching Drew Barrymore movies and eating takeout? You both feel loved for who you are - no need to hit the bars and impress rando's anymore. Damn, these pants are a little tighter than they used to be, but she probably won't notice, and even if she does, she loves me so no big whoop. Love love love, nest nest nest, grow grow grow (fatter - I'm not talking about intimacy).
This, believe it or not, is not the biggest relationship concern in my book (though it is more than slightly off-putting). Let's not forget what kind of blog this is! My biggest concern in regards to relationship "nesting" is when the effort that goes into putting together an outfit begins to dissipate. Sunday morning I went to Trader Joes to stock up on some staples, when I noticed that not only was everybody around me in a couple, but they were all in...dun dun duuuuuuun SWEATPANTS. Now, sweatpants don't offend me in general - but it was something about these couples that said to me "thank God we're in a relationship, now we never have to look decent in public again!" I know Sundays are relax-day, and the grocery store is no runway, but something about the comfortability level of these couples in these sweatpants made me think this wasn't just a Sunday morning offense.
Most people in couples have the same excuse for dressing like a college student as they do for getting fat - my boy/girlfriend loves me for who I am, I have nobody to impress, I get laid on a regular basis regardless.
Well guess what KFed? Ever think that maybe dressing up and looking nice for yourself has its advantages? For you intellectuals out there, I equate it to reading things on your own once you've graduated school. You don't have to, no...but it exercises the muscle, it keeps you growing and culturally relevant as an individual in the world, and it gives you a leg up in case you ever want to go back to school (wait, have I lost the metaphor?). Anyway, the farther and longer you let yourself fall, the harder it is to regain your footing. So for those of you who care, here are a few ways to get back into the game:
1. Always dress like you might run into somebody you know. If you live in NYC, you probably will, and if you're dressed like a wifed-up schmuck and your acquaintance looks like a swinging cosmopolitan, you will feel lame. Ditch the sweater with the holes (unless they're sexy hobo-chic holes) and spring for the green one that brings out your eyes. You'll appreciate your choice when Ms. Cosmopolitan is looking deep into them and regretting dumping you in the 8th grade.
2. Why are you waiting for an occasion to wear that AMAZING item? Not to be totally morbid but you could die next week never having gotten the chance to wear it! Ok, that was totally morbid. But seriously - those dangerously high heels can be worn to work, that silk tie can be taken to brunch. Why wait to feel special? Make an ordinary day an extraordinary one.
3. Dress up with people besides your significant other. Dressing well makes you walk differently. A good outfit can make you laugh more, make you feel more confident or efficient or attractive. Not because the person who loves you is giving you compliments, but because you know you look effing good! Walk down the street alone or drink a soy latte alone or go shopping alone - in your great outfit - and ride the wave of freshness. You owe it to yourself...and believe me, it can only do good things to your relationship.
I hope I've encouraged you to reconsider your relationship wardrobe rut. If you're one of the lucky few who has a partner who inspires your outfits to be bolder and sexier and more creative (or, for that matter, one that encourages you to go to the gym) - consider yourself lucky. And I hope you'll do your part to motivate the coupled masses to stay out of sweatpants and flipflops in public places. For the rest of you sad saps (yeah I said it, calm down!) it's time to be proactive and re-discover your wardrobe (or your credit card limit). I wish you all the best in this effort to reclaim your ferociousness.
Happy Shopping.
This, believe it or not, is not the biggest relationship concern in my book (though it is more than slightly off-putting). Let's not forget what kind of blog this is! My biggest concern in regards to relationship "nesting" is when the effort that goes into putting together an outfit begins to dissipate. Sunday morning I went to Trader Joes to stock up on some staples, when I noticed that not only was everybody around me in a couple, but they were all in...dun dun duuuuuuun SWEATPANTS. Now, sweatpants don't offend me in general - but it was something about these couples that said to me "thank God we're in a relationship, now we never have to look decent in public again!" I know Sundays are relax-day, and the grocery store is no runway, but something about the comfortability level of these couples in these sweatpants made me think this wasn't just a Sunday morning offense.
Most people in couples have the same excuse for dressing like a college student as they do for getting fat - my boy/girlfriend loves me for who I am, I have nobody to impress, I get laid on a regular basis regardless.
Well guess what KFed? Ever think that maybe dressing up and looking nice for yourself has its advantages? For you intellectuals out there, I equate it to reading things on your own once you've graduated school. You don't have to, no...but it exercises the muscle, it keeps you growing and culturally relevant as an individual in the world, and it gives you a leg up in case you ever want to go back to school (wait, have I lost the metaphor?). Anyway, the farther and longer you let yourself fall, the harder it is to regain your footing. So for those of you who care, here are a few ways to get back into the game:
1. Always dress like you might run into somebody you know. If you live in NYC, you probably will, and if you're dressed like a wifed-up schmuck and your acquaintance looks like a swinging cosmopolitan, you will feel lame. Ditch the sweater with the holes (unless they're sexy hobo-chic holes) and spring for the green one that brings out your eyes. You'll appreciate your choice when Ms. Cosmopolitan is looking deep into them and regretting dumping you in the 8th grade.
2. Why are you waiting for an occasion to wear that AMAZING item? Not to be totally morbid but you could die next week never having gotten the chance to wear it! Ok, that was totally morbid. But seriously - those dangerously high heels can be worn to work, that silk tie can be taken to brunch. Why wait to feel special? Make an ordinary day an extraordinary one.
3. Dress up with people besides your significant other. Dressing well makes you walk differently. A good outfit can make you laugh more, make you feel more confident or efficient or attractive. Not because the person who loves you is giving you compliments, but because you know you look effing good! Walk down the street alone or drink a soy latte alone or go shopping alone - in your great outfit - and ride the wave of freshness. You owe it to yourself...and believe me, it can only do good things to your relationship.
I hope I've encouraged you to reconsider your relationship wardrobe rut. If you're one of the lucky few who has a partner who inspires your outfits to be bolder and sexier and more creative (or, for that matter, one that encourages you to go to the gym) - consider yourself lucky. And I hope you'll do your part to motivate the coupled masses to stay out of sweatpants and flipflops in public places. For the rest of you sad saps (yeah I said it, calm down!) it's time to be proactive and re-discover your wardrobe (or your credit card limit). I wish you all the best in this effort to reclaim your ferociousness.
Happy Shopping.
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